WNCSource Transportation partners with local dental providers to offer free dental care for veterans!
ATTENTION MILITARY VETERANS – Hendersonville Family Dental and Mills River Family Dental invite you to visit their offices on Veteran’s Day, Friday November 11th from 7AM to 2PM where you’ll receive free dental care in appreciation for your service to our country.
Same-day appointments will be made on a first-come, first-served basis for free cleanings, fillings, tooth extractions, and oral screenings.
Need a ride? WNCSource Transportation can get you there!
Veterans who need a ride to either Hendersonville Family Dental (1139 Greenville Hwy.) or Mills River Family Dental (3340 Boylston Hwy.) can call WNCSource Transportation at (828)698-8571 by Wednesday 11/9/22 to arrange free transportation to either location!