


Older Adult's


How are we doing?

New SOS program serves Transylvania Co. seniors!

The Serve Our Seniors (SOS) program kicked off on June 1st, 2021 at the Quebec Community Center in Lake Toxaway. The program offers Transylvania seniors a safe and welcoming place to socialize and take part in a variety of activities meant to support healthy aging. The SOS program was made possible through a grant from the WNC Bridge Foundation.

WNCSource currently hosts the LunchPlus congregate meal program at the Quebec CC site from 9:30AM to 12PM each weekday. The SOS program invites seniors to stay, play and learn on Tuesdays through Thursdays, from 1PM to 4PM.

Some of the program’s upcoming activities include exercise classes, cards/board games, crafts, presentations on crime safety, fall prevention, and nutrition, as well as visits from health professionals, community organizations, legal groups, aging services providers and others!

Wednesday’s during the month of June will feature “Computers with Patty” where seniors can learn basic computer skills, email, web surfing and other online skills. Initial class size is limited to 6 people. Laptops are provided!

For more information, call Lauren Street (828) 862-4466 or WNCSource (828) 884-2255.

The Quebec Community Center is located at 11846 Rosman Hwy., Lake Toxaway, NC 28747