


Older Adult's


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WNCSource Receives Grant to Expand Older Adult Services in Transylvania County

For over 25 years, WNCSource has been serving Transylvania County seniors through our Older Adult Services programs which include two LunchPlus Congregate meal programs at Silvermont Mansion and the Quebec Community Center; Mobile Meals delivery service each weekday morning to rural homebound seniors; a liquid nutrition program; and providing meal boxes and personal hygiene supplies to adults over 60.

Now, thanks to a generous grant from the Pisgah Health Foundation and the Dogwood Health Trust, WNCSource will be able to expand its program to serve more areas of Transylvania County. OAS Program Director Deb Haight explained “Our outreach has always been limited by the amount of funding available. This grant will allow us to expand and reach areas we haven’t been able to serve. We’re very excited about what this will mean for our seniors!”

In September, the agency conducted a community-wide survey to determine which services and areas had the greatest need for among seniors. WNCSource is in the process of reviewing the survey results. “Once we decide where to expand, we’ll begin looking for new volunteers and clients to get started!” said Deb Haight, OAS Program Director.

If you’re interested in volunteering or need services for you or a loved one, please call (828) 884-2255.