


Older Adult's


How are we doing?

COVID-19 Announcement

May 14, 2021: As public health restrictions begin to lift and we move closer to returning to normal, WNCSource remains steadfast in our approach to keeping our clients and staff safe. Please observe the following guidelines:

  • WNCSource Administrative Offices remain closed to the public. Clients and other visitors should call (828) 693-1711 (Henderson) or (828) 884-2255 (Transylvania) to set-up an appointment with Housing, Children’s Services, or Older Adults Services staff.
  • Apple Country Transportation will continue its normal weekday operating schedule. All passengers are required to wear a mask.
  • Transylvania County LunchPlus Congregate Meal programs are open. Please wear a mask and practice social distancing when visiting those locations to protect our seniors!
  • WNCSource childcare centers will continue to follow the guidance of NC Health and Human Services which require staff, parents and children over 5 yrs. to wear a mask, unless outdoors and maintaining social distancing guidelines.

WNCSource will continue to revise our COVID-19 policies and guidelines. We encourage you to talk with your health professional about the benefits of getting vaccinated.

In the meantime, please continue to WASH, WAIT 6 FEET, and WEAR A MASK IN CROWDED PLACES.

Thank you!

David White, CEO