Older Adult Services




Older Adult's


How are we doing?

For more information call (828) 884-2255

Silvermont Senior Center – 364 Main St., Brevard

Quebec Community Center – 11846 Rosman Hwy, Lake Toxaway

Monday – Friday   9:30AM – 12PM


Mobile Meals - Transylvania County

This program serves a mid-day meal five days a week to homebound older adults in the upper end of Transylvania County. The meals are prepared by Transylvania Regional Hospital and transported to the Quebec Congregate Meal Site for delivery to eligible participants. The meals meet one-third of the nutritional RDA for senior citizens. Friendly volunteers deliver meals right to the door. Funding is provided by the Home and Community Care Block Grant, Pisgah Health Foundation, Cathey’s Creek Baptist Church, and local donations.

Liquid Nutrition Supplement Program

Ensure/Glucerna liquid nutritional supplement products are available at little or no cost to Transylvania County residents with documented medical risks. A needs statement from a healthcare professional is required. Funding is generously provided by Lake Toxaway Charities, Pisgah Health Foundation, Home and Community Care Block Grant, and other local donations.

Shelf-Stable Meal Boxes & Hygiene Products

Additional funding from the Pisgah Health Foundation enables WNCSource to provide shelf-stable meal boxes containing a 7-day supply of easy-to-prepare meals that offer additional nutrition for seniors. Our new Hygiene Products program offers adult diapers, soap, lotions and other personal care supplies. 

Additional Older Adult Resources in Transylvania County

Do you live in Transylvania County and have questions or need help with aging services, medical/dental providers, debt relief, where to find food resources, or transportation?

Download the 2025 Transylvania County Older Adult Resource Guide!

MOW recipient
Anne V
In accordance with federal civil rights law and the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity.

URGENT - Mobile Meals Drivers Needed!

Each weekday morning, our Mobile Meals volunteers deliver a nutritious meal, essential supplies, and a friendly visit to our elderly homebound neighbors living in the Quebec and Rosman communities of Transylvania County. This vital service helps them age in place in the comfort of their own homes. Mobile Meals is free, but runs on caring volunteers. Can you spare a couple of hours a week? Once a month? Or even just once in a while? Fill out the form below and a WNCSource staff member will reach out to you.